Los nombres o sustantivos son las
palabras con las que designamos a las personas, cosas, animales y lugares.
Anne, hat, bear, Greece.
A, an y the son artículos y
siempre van delante de los nombres.
A ball= una pelota; an elephant= un
elefante; the apple= la manzana; the dog= el
Los pronombres son palabras que
sustituyen o se refieren a los nombres.
Mark= he; Samantha= she; car=
it; John and Sue= they
Los adjetivos generalmente describen a
los nombres. En inglés no tienen diferencia de género ni forma de plural.
A white
dress: un vestido blanco
a white
shirt: una camisa blanca
tall trees: árboles altos
tall women: mujeres altas.
Los verbos describen acciones, estados y
situaciones. Tienen diferentes tiempos verbales (tenses) para indicarnos si la
acción está ocurriendo, ha ocurrido o va a ocurrir.
Present: I jump; I'm jumping.
Past: I jumped
Future: I will jump; I'm going to jump.
Jerry is playing with his cat, Jojo.
-Look, Jojo! Catch the red ball!
- It's late, Jerry. It's half past eight and it's time for your shower.
- Yes
- Okay, but can I play with Jojo after my shower, Mum?
It is nine o'clock . Jerry is in bed. Jojo is beside him. Jerry is talking to Jojo.
-Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday, and I 'm going to a fire station with my class. I 'm sorry, Jojo, but you can't come.
Today is Saturday. Jerry is walking to school with his friend, Janet. Jojo is walking behind them but they cannot see Jojo.
Jerry and Janet are outside the school. Jojo is in the grass beside the gate.
-Hi, Jerry! Hi, Janet! Look! Jo Jo is in the grass.
-Jo Jo, go home !
The children and their teacher, Miss Hayes, are in the classroon. Miss Hayes and the children are talking.
-Where are we going today?
-To the fire station.
-What can we see at the fire station?
-Firemen's uniforms!
Hayes and the children are in the playground. Jojo is in the playground,
too, but Jerry cannot see her. The school bus is here.
-It's a quater to nine and it's time to go! Let's get on the bus.
(This book is at the library. Would you like to read it?)
-Look at the text and write into your notebook:
-the nouns
-the adjectives
-the verbs
-the days of the week
-the times